OUR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT and response instructors are equipped to conduct a range of disaster and emergency preparedness and response training courses, from classroom work to lecture presentations to field technique trainings.
Standard FEMA/WEM Course
We facilitate the following workshops and training programs:
Incident Command System (ICS) 100, 200, 300, 400, 402
National Response Framework IS-800
Emergency Operations Center Operations (G275) and WI EOC Workshop (G275-WI)
ICS/EOC Interface Course (G191)
Debris Management (G202)
Municipal Planning Course (G615)
Terrorism Awareness
Disaster Assessment Workshop
Introduction to Emergency Management
Public Information
Nuclear Power Plant Pre-Exercise Training
These specialized workshops and trainings include:
Ingestion Pathways Workshop
Ingestion County Training
Nuclear Power Plant Pre-Exercise Training
Customized Workshops
EPTEC will create workshops and training sessions specific to your training needs. Please contact EPTEC, Inc. to discuss.