Emergency Management Consulting Services

COOP-COG Planning System

Continuity of Operations

DID YOUR INITIAL COOP/COG PLAN leave your county or municipal agencies wanting more? Our COOP-COG Planning System can help.

Emergency Management Products LLC is a division of EPTEC, Inc. It offers several emergency management products to enable you to facilitate your program. We will also work with clients to develop products for specific needs and tailored to your situation.

Our Continuity of Operatons Planning System is designed to walk your agency through proper departmental continuity of operations (COOP) and continuity of government (COG) planning via a thorough, up-to-date system that includes:

  • Line-By-Line Instructions and Models

  • Binders for the Entire ‘Line of Succession’ (LOS)

  • CDs or Jump Drives (USB) for the Entire LOS

  • Item Pockets and Key Tags

Purchase the COOP-COG Planning System

To acquire the product (or to receive additional help), contact EPTEC, Inc. consultants. We will gladly help determine the level of assistance (either face-to-face or remote) that will work best with your department and budget.